Kannada superstar and host of the reality show Bigg Boss Kannada, Kiccha Sudeep, recently visited the Sai Baba temple in Shirdi. He was accompanied by his wife Priya Sudeep, daughter Sanvi, and some close friends. They went to the temple to offer prayers and seek blessings.
Pictures from Sudeep’s visit to Shirdi have surfaced on social media. From the pictures, it appears that the actor not only visited the temple but also took time out of his busy schedule to visit an old-age home nearby. He can be seen in one picture with an elderly woman at the center.
Another selfie picture of Sudeep with his friends from the trip has also been circulating on the internet. Throughout his trip to Shirdi, Sudeep was seen dressed casually.
It seems that the star actor is enjoying a much-needed spiritual trip with his loved ones. Sudeep, known for his strong family values, once again proves to be a perfect family man who always finds time for his loved ones despite his work commitments.
Apart from his upcoming movie shoot, Kiccha Sudeep is currently hosting the ninth season of Bigg Boss Kannada. He appears on the weekend episodes of the reality show and interacts with the contestants about their experiences throughout the week.